Rhb Fixed Deposit
Fixed Deposit FAQs. What is the minimum amount required to open a fixed deposit? The minimum amount required to open a fixed deposit can range from Rs.1,000 (in State Bank of India) to Rs.5,000 (in Axis Bank). Can I withdraw an FD at any time? Yes, you can withdraw your FD at any point in time unless the bank has a lock-in period.
Deposit Details
12 mths | 18 mths | 24 mths | |
$20k to <$200k | 0.40% p.a. | 0.40% p.a. | 0.40% p.a. |
$200k & above | 0.55% p.a. | 0.60% p.a. | 0.65% p.a. |
Enjoy up to 0.65% p.a. interest rate when you place your fixed deposit in RHB
- RHB Fixed Deposit RHB fixed deposit board rates. Choose from a deposit tenure of 3 months to a maximum of 36 months, with a minimum placement of S$1,000.
- Allows you to deposit and then withdraw funds in your local currency at a fixed, highly beneficial convertion rate to USD. Or in cash—via ATMs and at the RHB.
- With the RHB BizPower Quad+ Current Account, you will see your funds earn better returns from our preferential fixed deposit interest rates while you have easy and flexible fund transfer options.
Receive up to 0.65% p.a. for 24 months fixed deposit
Receive 0.60% p.a. for 18 months fixed deposit
Receive 0.55% p.a. for 12 months fixed deposit
Enjoy up to 0.60% p.a. when you apply for a 12 months fixed deposit on RHB Mobile (Valid for existing customers only)
Rate is applicable for a minimum deposit of $20,000
Rates apply for fresh funds only and subjected to changes without notice
Other deposit tenures options available
Auto-renewal at board rates upon maturity
Click here to go to RHB website for more details
Historical Chart and Deposit Rates
* Interest Rates based on highest fixed deposit rate with
maximum deposit amount of $75,000 and 3 to 18 months tenure
RHB current highest fixed deposit rate is 0.40% p.a. for 12 months tenure with minimum deposit of $20,000.
There is currently no fixed deposit promotional rate for RHB Fixed Deposits. The current highest fixed deposit rate is a RHB board rate
The current Money Lobang National Average Fixed Deposit Rates for March 2021 is 0.46% p.a.
The average monthly highest fixed deposit rate for RHB since 2018 is 1.05% p.a.

The last time RHB had a fixed deposit rate promotion was in May 2020
› Singapore bank fixed deposit promotion
Listing Websites about Rhb Singapore Fixed Deposit Promotion
Fixed Deposit RHB Singapore
(4 days ago) The Singapore Dollar Fixed Deposit is a versatile and easy way to cultivate your cash with your choice of a deposit tenure of 3 months to a maximum of 36 months. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to achieve your financial goals in the most stress-free way, so the minimum placement is only S$1,000 for a tenure of 3 months onwards.
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RHB Singapore Fixed Deposit Review FD Interest Rate
(3 days ago) There is currently no fixed deposit promotional rate for RHB Fixed Deposits. The current highest fixed deposit rate is a RHB board rate The current Money Lobang National Average Fixed Deposit Rates for February 2021 is 0.47% p.a. The average monthly highest fixed deposit rate for RHB since 2018 is 1.08% p.a.
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RHB Fixed Deposit - Singapore Bank
(9 days ago) RHB fixed deposit board rates. Choose from a deposit tenure of 3 months to a maximum of 36 months, with a minimum placement of S$1,000.
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Terms and Conditions RHB Singapore
(6 days ago) The RHB SGD Fixed Deposit Promotion (the “Promotion”) is open to all new and existing customers (“Customers”) who make eligible SGD Fixed Deposit placements (“Placement”) with RHB Bank Berhad (UEN No. S99FC5710J) (“RHB” or “the Bank”) into a RHB Fixed Deposit Account (“Eligible Account”). 2.
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Home RHB Singapore
(3 days ago) Here, Day-to-Day Banking is made personal for you, every day. Whether you're starting a family in a new home or saving to put your kids through college, you'll enjoy customer-centric financial solutions designed to meet all your banking needs. Today, a local business. Tomorrow, a global enterprise.
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Rhb Singapore Fixed Deposit Promotion - Best Coupon Codes
(7 days ago) RHB Singapore Fixed Deposit Review FD Interest Rate (4 days ago) RHB current highest fixed deposit rate is 0.40% p.a. for 12 months tenure with minimum deposit of $20,000. There is currently no fixed deposit promotional rate for RHB Fixed Deposits. The current highest fixed deposit rate is a RHB board rate.
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Rhb Fd Promotion Singapore - My Best Coupon Codes
(1 months ago) (2 days ago) RHB current highest fixed deposit rate is 0.75% p.a. for 18 months tenure with minimum deposit of $1,000. There is currently no fixed deposit promotional rate for RHB Fixed Deposits. The current highest fixed deposit rate is a RHB board rate The current Money Lobang National Average Fixed Deposit Rates for December 2020 is 0.52% p.a.
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Deposits RHB Singapore
(3 days ago) With the RHB BizPower Quad+ Current Account, you will see your funds earn better returns from our preferential fixed deposit interest rates while you have easy and flexible fund transfer options. Each tier has its own attractive fixed deposit interest rates and tenures so you can choose the best option that meets your needs.
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Rhb Bank Fd Promotion - My Best Coupon Codes
(5 days ago) RHB Singapore Fixed Deposit Review FD Interest Rate (3 days ago) There is currently no fixed deposit promotional rate for RHB Fixed Deposits. The current highest fixed deposit rate is a RHB board rate The current Money Lobang National Average Fixed Deposit Rates for December 2020 is 0.52% p.a.
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RHB Bank Singapore Time Deposit Interest Rates
(9 days ago) All Products Time Deposit RHB Bank Singapore Time Deposit It offers fixed deposits in SGD from 1 monthto 36 months (3yrs). In addition it also offers foreign currency call accounts and foreign currency fixed deposits in USD, GBP, AUD, NZD and EUR.
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Fixed Deposit (Mar 2021) SINGPromos.com
(5 days ago) Singapore Savings Bond (SSB): Earn up to 0.97% p.a. in the latest bond – Apply by 23 Feb 2021. List of Fixed Deposit sale events, promotions, price list and other happenings in Singapore. Last updated February 2021 P3W. Earn returns with a minimum sum of $500 in the latest Singapore Savings Bond.
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RHB Bank Singapore Fixed Deposit Rate
(6 days ago) All RHB Bank Singapore Fixed Deposit rates are subject to change. RHB Bank Singapore Fixed Deposit Rate: 1 month = 0.1875. 3 month = 0.3125. 6 month = 0.3750. 9 month = 0.5000. 12 month = 0.6250. 18 month = 0.875. We hope you find our Singapore Fixed Deposit site useful.
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Singapore Fixed Deposits Interest FD Rates
(3 days ago) Singapore Fixed Deposits Interest FD Rates. Search: ... RHB Fixed Deposit with 12 to 24 months tenure. Effective Interest Rates. From 0.40% to 0.65% p.a. with min. $20,000 deposit. ... Get the latest promotions for deposits, credit cards, property listings and online discounts in your inbox.
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Best Fixed Deposit Rates & Promotions in SG, Mar 2021 ...
(4 days ago) UOB Singapore Dollar Fixed Deposit offers some of the market's highest interest rates for small-to-moderate (< S$50,000) sized deposits with longer tenures, and also comes with an attractive promotion. Currently, consumers can earn a respectable 0.50% p.a. with just a S$20,000 minimum deposit for a 10 months tenure.
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Highest Fixed Deposit Interest Rates Promotion in ...
(3 days ago) For a fair comparison of fixed deposit rates (including promotional and non-promotional rates) in Singapore, we have included the comparison table below for reference. The fixed deposit interest rates are based on popular tenures of between 6 to 18 months and fresh funds of $75,000 (Risk-free since insured by SDIC).
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(Updated Feb 2021) Earn up to 1.10% ... - Singapore Promotions
(3 days ago) HSBC offers 1.10% p.a. for 24-mth Singapore Dollar Time Deposits (as of 2 Oct 2020) **BEST for funds up to $49,999** UOB: Earn up to 0.50% p.a. with the latest SGD fixed deposit offers till 27 Feb Singapore Savings Bond (SSB): Earn up to 0.97% p.a. in the latest bond – Apply by 23 Feb **BEST for lowest risk deposit up to $200,000**
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Fixed Deposits Personal Banking RHB Malaysia
(4 days ago) RHB P.A.Y.S. Fixed Deposit Enjoy Full waiver of commission/service charge on the first five cashier's orders or demand drafts for purchases of new public share or rights issues Overdraft facility of up to 100% of Fixed Deposit amount Partial withdrawal is allowed in multiple of RM1,000 subject to a minimum balance of RM10,000
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RHB Singapore Deposits - Fixed Deposits Credit Cards ...
(15 days ago) RHB Singapore Deposits. Search: Deposit Type. All Accounts Fixed Deposits Current & Savings Deposit Promotions. Tenure Length. All Tenures 12 Months 12 to 18 Months >19 Months. Sort By. Interest Rate Popularity. 15 people like this RHB Fixed Deposit with 12 to 24 months tenure. Effective Interest Rates.
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Home RHB Singapore - Welcome to RHB Banking Group
(3 days ago) Call our Customer Care Centre numbers for ALL your banking services. Overseas and West Malaysia: 03-9206 8118. East Malaysia: 082-276118 (7am-7pm daily) For Insurance services, call 1-300-220-007 or 03-2180 3000. CLOSE. You are about to enter a third party website and RHB Banking Group's privacy policy will cease to apply. This link is provided ...
Category: InsuranceShow All Coupons
Rhb Fixed Deposit Promotion - My Best Coupon Codes
(6 days ago)rhb singapore fixed deposit promotion - Best Coupon Codes. CODES (4 days ago) (4 days ago) RHB current highest fixed deposit rate is 0.40% p.a. for 12 months tenure with minimum deposit of $20,000. There is currently no fixed deposit promotional rate for RHB Fixed Deposits. The current highest fixed deposit rate is a RHB board rate.
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7 Best Fixed Deposit Rates in Singapore (Feb 2021) — DBS ...
(1 months ago) The current highest DBS fixed deposit rate of 1.3% p.a. is considered sky-high by today's standards. The minimum of $1,000 is is quite a manageable amount, although you have to commit to a tenure ...
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Rhb Bank Malaysia Fd Rate
7 best fixed deposit rates in Singapore (Jan 2021) - DBS ...
(2 days ago) The 7th best fixed deposit promotion on the market belongs to Malaysian bank RHB. That said, its 0.4 per cent p.a. interest rate is really not spectacular, so think carefully before you commit for ...
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Top Sites Have Rhb Singapore Fixed Deposit Promotion ...
(17 days ago) Fixed Deposit RHB Singapore. COUPON (3 days ago) The Singapore Dollar Fixed Deposit is a versatile and easy way to cultivate your cash with your choice of a deposit tenure of 3 months to a maximum of 36 months. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to achieve your financial goals in the most stress-free way, so the minimum placement is only S$1,000 for a tenure of 3 months onwards.
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Rhb Fd Promotion Singapore Sites Restaurant Coupon 2019
(17 days ago)rhb singapore fixed deposit promotion - Best Coupon Codes. COUPON (8 days ago) RHB Singapore Fixed Deposit Review FD Interest Rate (2 days ago) maximum deposit amount of $75,000 and 3 to 18 months tenure RHB current highest fixed deposit rate is 0.40% p.a. for 12 months tenure with minimum deposit of $20,000. There is currently no fixed deposit promotional rate for RHB Fixed Deposits.

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RHB Bank Fixed Deposit Malaysia - CreatifWerks
(4 days ago) Check Out Singapore Fixed Deposit Check Out Malaysia Fixed Deposit . RHB Bank FIXED DEPOSIT PROMOTION: Link. Term Deposit Offer via Over-The-Counter/ e-Term Deposit Offer via FPX. Start Date :22 Sep 2020. End Date :31 OCT 2020. Tenure : 6 Months (2.35%) 12 Months (2.45%) Minimum Placement Amount : Rm 10,000. Source : Visit RHB Bank
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RHB Bank Fixed Deposit - CreatifWerks
(8 days ago) RHB Bank SGD Fixed Deposit Interest Rate. Amount (SGD)/Tenor. 1 month. 2 months. 3 months. 6 months. 9 months. 12 months. 18 months.
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Singapore Banks Fixed Deposits Savings Accounts Promotions
(6 days ago) Deposit Type. All Accounts Fixed Deposits Current & Savings Deposit Promotions. Tenure Length. All Tenures < 12 Months 12 to 18 Months >19 Months. Interest Rate Popularity. 108 people like this. POSB SAYE Savings Account with 24 months tenure. Effective Interest Rates. 2.05% p.a. with min. $500 monthly deposit.
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Rhb Fixed Deposit Promotion - Top Types Of Voucher
(5 days ago) (11 days ago) rhb singapore fixed deposit promotion - Best Coupon Codes. COUPON (8 days ago) RHB Singapore Fixed Deposit Review FD Interest Rate (2 days ago) maximum deposit amount of $75,000 and 3 to 18 months tenure RHB current highest fixed deposit rate is 0.40% p.a. for 12 months tenure with minimum deposit of $20,000. There is currently no ...
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Contact Us RHB Singapore
(3 days ago) RHB Now – Internet Banking 800 601 1742 (Local) +603 9145 1388 (Overseas) Contact us at this line should you have any queries regarding our RHB Now Internet Banking service or any technical issues. Let our friendly staff assist you in your troubleshooting needs.
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Singapore Fixed Deposit Promotion - Find Coupon Codes
(1 months ago)rhb singapore fixed deposit promotion - Best Coupon Codes. 50% off (9 days ago) [50% OFF] rhb singapore fixed deposit promotion - January 2021. 50% off (20 days ago) RHB Singapore Fixed Deposit Review FD Interest Rate. 0.75% 1 days ago Verified maximum deposit amount of $75,000 and 3 to 18 months tenure RHB current highest fixed deposit rate is 0.75% p.a. for 18 months tenure with minimum ...
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Best Savings Accounts in Singapore 2021 ValueChampion ...
(4 days ago) Consider if: You maintain a large balance but tend to make smaller deposits; Promotions: Receive S$20 cash via PayNow (through our partnership w/ SGSaver) Receive S$80 cash credit when you open a new UOB Stash account and maintain an average balance of S$5,000; Win a gift for depositing fresh funds of S$30,000 , S$50,000 or S$100,000; Read Our ...
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Fixed Deposits - Singapura Finance Ltd
(2 days ago) Singapore dollar deposits of non-bank depositors are insured by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation, for up to S$75,000.00 in aggregate per depositor per Scheme member by law. ... For Corporate Fixed Deposits. Schedule an appointment with any of our customer centres to open account. CONTACT INFORMATION. Call us 68800668 Mon to Fri ...
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RHB Ordinary Fixed Deposit - Great Interest
(3 days ago) This is a basic, hassle-free, Fixed Deposit account. You can choose anything from a one month term to a five-year term and earn interest on your investment. It's really easy to get started, with a minimum deposit of just RM500. RHB has added a nice touch to this FD - you can use your deposit as collateral against an overdraft facility.
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RHB: Earn up to 1.88% p.a. for 6/12-mth SGD fixed deposits ...
(4 days ago) RHB: Earn up to 1.88% p.a. for 6/12-mth SGD fixed deposits till 31 Mar 2019. Due to COVID-19, some offers may no longer be valid or temporarily suspended. Please verify the validity (even if it says 'ON TODAY' below) before heading down. Maximise the potential of your Savings with minimal risk.
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Best Fixed Deposit Accounts In Malaysia - RinggitPlus
(2 months ago) So when identifying which fixed deposit account to put your money in, the main points of consideration should be interest rates, minimum deposit amount, and if they are insured by PIDM. Here are the highest interest fixed deposit accounts in Malaysia, arranged by duration. The tables below will be updated every month. Top 1-month FD rates in ...
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Singapore Dollar Time Deposit - Standard Chartered Singapore
(4 days ago) Standard Chartered Singapore Dollar Time Deposit March 2021 Promotion Terms and Conditions apply. 2 Fresh funds refer to funds not originating from any existing account with Standard Chartered Bank (Singapore) Limited (the “Bank”) and funds that are not withdrawn and re-deposited within the last 30 days of opening your Time Deposit.
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13 Aug-31 Oct 2018: RHB Singapore Dollar Fixed Deposit ...
(1 months ago) RHB Singapore is having their Singapore Dollar Fixed Deposit Promotion now. Maximise the potential of your Savings with minimal risk. Let RHB grow your cash through attractive interest rates. Simply Earn up to 1.80% p.a. for 3/6/12-mth SGD fixed deposits. Enjoy up to 1.80% p.a.* promotional rates for SGD Fixed Deposit from now till 31 December ...
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SGD Fixed Deposit Account Fixed Deposit CIMB SG
(3 days ago) Features & Benefits. Choose from tenures of 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 24 months, with low initial deposit from S$1,000. Apply online in less than 10 mins! For new customers, online application takes less than 10 minutes to complete, and existing customers can apply via CIMB Clicks Internet Banking under eApplication.
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Fixed Income RHB Singapore
(8 months ago) RHB Fixed Income and Currency Research is part of RHB Research Institute Sdn Bhd, headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It is a subsidiary of RHB Investment Bank Bhd, part of the RHB Banking Group that dates back to the nation's first local bank in 1913.
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Bank of East Asia Fixed Deposit - Singapore Bank
(8 days ago) Bank of East Asia Fixed Deposit. Bank of East Asia fixed deposit board rates. advertisements. Deposit Range. (% p.a) S$1,000 to S$49,999. S$50,000 to S$99,999. S$100,000 to S$249,999. S$250,000 to S$499,999.
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High Interest Rate with RHB Bank Fixed Deposit Promotion
(2 months ago) Summary: RHB Bank is having its Fixed Deposit Promotion now. Enjoy an interest rate of 1.18% p.a. with a minimum fresh funds of $100,000 placed at RHB Bank Fixed Deposit Account. – Terms and conditions apply. – Call 1800 323 0100 for more enquiries.
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Promotions Deals & Offers CIMB SG
(3 days ago) UP TO S$500* TAKA VOUCHERS WITH A 12-MTH SGD FD! Promo CIMB Pays My Card Bills Lucky Draw 2020/21.
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59 Singapore Fixed Deposit Lobangs ideas in 2021 deposit ...
(13 days ago) Feb 14, 2021 - All the latest fixed deposit promotions at one place http://www.moneylobang.com/fixed-time-deposit.php. See more ideas about deposit, singapore, promotion.
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UOB : Promotions: Deposits
(3 days ago) Promotions: Save. More reasons to save this new year. ... On a 10-month Singapore Dollar Fixed Deposit *T&Cs apply. Insured up to S$75k by SDIC. Find out more. Earn a promotional interest rate of 0.40% p.a.* on a 6-month US Dollar Fixed Deposit. Find out more *T&Cs apply. SGD deposits are insured up to S$75k by SDIC.
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ICBC Fixed Deposit - Singapore Bank
(9 days ago) ICBC Fixed Deposit. ICBC fixed deposit board rates. Minimum of S$500 to open an account with tenors of 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months, 13 months and 24 months. Prevailing current account interest rate will be paid for pre-matured withdrawal of fixed deposit. advertisements.
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Rhb Fd Promotion Malaysia - mybestcouponcodes.com
(24 days ago) Rhb Fd Promotion Malaysia - My Best Coupon Codes. CODES (24 days ago) (5 days ago) (5 months ago) RHB Bank Fixed Deposit Promotion (Malaysia) We have the latest RHB Bank Fixed Deposit promotion in Malaysia Fixed Deposits for the month of June 2009. When you put RM10,000 in RHB Max FD3, a RHB Bank Fixed Deposit Promotion, for 8 months, you get interest rates that start from 2.10% for first two ...
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Here are the Best Fixed Deposit Promos in Malaysia 2021
(2 days ago) RHB Bank Promo: RHB Commodity Murabahah Deposit-i (Ober-The-Counter) and e-Term Deposit Interest Rate: 2.35% p.a. Minimum: RM10,000 ... If you are interested in any of the fixed deposit promotions above, please contact the respective bank to get started. Don’t forget to check this article from time to time for the latest fixed deposit promotions.
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